About project

Project title – “IT Innovation: creation and development of an artificial intelligence (AI)-based management system”, project code no. LT07-1-EIM-K02-023.
The amount of project financing is EUR 786,747.67.
End of project implementation – 2024. April 30 UAB Nacionalinis švietimo centras is one of the largest and strongest companies in Lithuania by developing and implementing integrated education information systems. The company is constantly developing, promoting and implementing innovative IT products in the education market. This creates the preconditions for developing a successful business in a highly competitive IT environment. In order to develop and improve the innovation potential, the applicant continuously carries Research and Development works and implements them into practice. Non-formal education is one of the significant parts of the education system that helps individuals to meet their needs of cognition and self-expression and at the same time form the basics for active work, civil, artistic or social activities. The project envisages the development of the smart non-formal education services management system CEMPION.COM for the market of non-formal education services. This system will connect users and providers of non-formal education services into an innovative system based on artificial intelligence solutions. This system will provide qualitatively new opportunities to improve and develop non-formal education services according to individual users and providers needs by connecting both parties. The project is implemented with partners – Vytautas Magnus University and International Development Norway AS. The applicant and partners actively cooperated in the formation and improvement of the product concept, performed other products development opportunities and work required to confirm the feasibility of the project concept. The partnership of Lithuanian and Norway partners is long term and meaningful to all parties because of shared intellectual property rights. The project aim is to develop, commercialize and implement an ICT product in the non-formal education sector for information processing and communication. Product development costs amount to EUR 1.090.352,41. Upon completion of the project, the applicant intends to continue the work by improving the product developed in the project, as well as research in collaboration with scientific institutions, using the competencies acquired during the project with a partner from Norway. The project is co-funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism Program for Business Development, Innovation and SMEs in the field of information and communication technologies.